On the Move: A Day in the Adelaide Hills (2-5-17) LINK (Hunter and Bligh)
Image Credit: Shutterstock
Note: I have recently become heavily involved with James Gosper, the 'Wine Hunter' of Hunter and Bligh, and helped with some of his articles about some of the best wine regions in Australia. Below is a link to 'On the Move: A Day in the Adelaide Hills', the first in a series about many of the wine regions in the Adelaide Region. This was published on the 2nd May 2017 on Hunter and Bligh.
The Adelaide Hills, only a 20 min drive from South Australia’s capital, has been a darling wine region for a couple of years now. Lauded as the breeding ground for the natural wine movement, the ‘hipster winemakers’ are a collection of innovative, retro and alternative winemakers producing some of the most exciting and divisive wine in the country. They are also affectionately known as the “basket cases” given they tend to gather in the subregion known as the Basket Ranges.
However, on my most recent trip to the Hills I wanted to refocus on the more traditional winemakers: the guys who have worked tirelessly for decades to make the Adelaide Hills one of the finest wine regions in Australia...